Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian export credit agency will receive state guarantees

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has provided state guarantees to the Export Credit Agency, Prime Minister Denis Shmygal said.
“We are intensifying the work of the Export Credit Agency. We want as many Ukrainian businesses as possible to export their products abroad. Moreover, we see that there is a demand from business, but many enterprises lack resources and need state support,” Shmygal said at a government meeting on Tuesday.
In this regard, he said, the government passed a resolution to strengthen the Export Credit Agency.
“Now the agency will get state guarantees to more actively support Ukrainian exporters. This will increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods and services and contribute to a more rapid recovery of our economy,” Shmygal added.
As the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnychuk reported in Telegram, the procedure for providing state guarantees to secure debt obligations of the private joint stock company Export Credit Agency, namely, providing state guarantees for debt obligations of the company (obligations of a borrower to a creditor on a loan (loan), arising from the placement (issue) of debt securities or entering into loan agreements) was approved.