Business news from Ukraine

British government will support Ukraine – new British prime minister Starmer

The British government will stand by Ukraine, the country’s new prime minister Keir Starmer pledged on Saturday.

“I will emphasize, as I did yesterday when I spoke to Ukraine’s president Zelensky, that we will stand with our allies to support his country,” he said, referring to next week’s NATO summit in Washington.

According to The Guardian, Starmer said he has already had a number of phone calls with foreign leaders to “establish relationships and have important discussions about Ukraine and other key topics.”

Starmer is the head of the election-winning Labor Party. He took over as head of government on Friday and the new British cabinet held its first meeting on Saturday.


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The UK will allocate an additional GBP 1 billion in support for Ukraine, which will go towards investment, trade and security, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said.
“Great news from London: UK will allocate an additional GBP 1 billion in support for Ukraine. That means new investments, trade, security. As a result of my negotiations with British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson last year, the total volume of British support increases to GBP 3.5 billion,”- Zelenskiy said on Twitter on Wednesday.
