Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Members of parliamentary committee propose to ban foreigners from using services of Ukrainian surrogate mothers for now

Members of the parliamentary committee for national health, medical care and health insurance suggest banning foreigners from using surrogacy services during martial law and up to three years after it ends.
This is specifically in the bill on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), which is based on three alternative bills (Nos. 6475, 6475-1 and 6475-2) and was supported by the committee at Friday’s meeting.
The draft law also discloses requirements to a woman who may be a surrogate mother, her rights and obligations, creates a legal basis for keeping records of foreigners wishing to use the surrogacy service in Ukraine, and bans the work of intermediaries or agencies in the field of ART, prohibits advertising of ART of assisted reproductive cells and advertising aimed at attracting women to the surrogate motherhood service.
According to committee member Viktoria Wagner, the demographic situation in Ukraine is worsening due to the war and Ukraine’s population could decrease by 10 million by 2030.
The committee recommended the Ukrainian parliament to reject the alternative bills.