Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Techmash” will allocate UAH 5 mln for dividends in 2024

Production Enterprise Tekhmash JSC (Dnipro) plans to allocate UAH 5 million from retained earnings to pay dividends in 2024, at the rate of UAH 16,667 thousand per share with a par value of UAH 8.

According to the draft decision of the general meeting of shareholders scheduled for April 10, published in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC), dividends are scheduled to be paid by October 10, 2025.

As reported, in 2023, the company also paid UAH 5 million in dividends from retained earnings.
“Tecmash does not provide financial indicators for 2024, but according to the Clarity Project, last year the company made a net profit of UAH 2.83 million (against UAH 0.19 million in 2023) with a 35% increase in net income to UAH 223.4 million.

Retained earnings at the beginning of the year amounted to UAH 66.74 million (UAH 76.13 million a year earlier).
As of the fourth quarter of 2024, 61% of the authorized capital of Tekhmash is owned by its director Oleksandr Kolomoitsyn, and four other individuals own 28% of the shares in total. The authorized capital of the company is UAH 2.4 million.

The main specialization of Tekhmash is the installation of technological equipment, pipelines, and the manufacture of equipment for various industries, including conveyors (scraper, belt, screw), capacitive equipment, metal structures, and aspiration air ducts.
At the beginning of 2024, it employed 229 people, down 23% from a year earlier.
