Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine is working on integration of Polish electronic documents into Ukrainian system

The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine is working on the integration of Polish electronic documents into the Ukrainian system, Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mikhail Fedorov said.
“We will now work to ensure that Polish electronic documents can be received and read in Ukraine,” he said at a briefing in Kyiv on Monday.
He noted that Ukraine and Poland are now gaining unique experience not only within their states, but also in the interstate data exchange.
“This is the first case when two states create such an interesting exchange of a new format with the sharing of documents from one mobile application to another. And this opens up great opportunities for us in the European Union, because now the direction of electronic documents in the EU is being studied, and we are involved in working groups that deal with these issues,” the minister said.
In turn, the Secretary of State for Digitalization, the Government Commissioner for Cyber Security of Poland, Janusz Cieszynski, noted that he believes in the digitality of the future, and said that the Ukrainian and Polish sides are considering the possibility of expanding cooperation.
Fedorov also thanked Tseshinskiy for his help with the free receipt of Starlink terminals by Ukraine, saying that Ukraine had already received 13,000 units. and another 5 thousand will be transferred in the near future. According to the minister, the Polish side also assumed obligations to support the operation of these terminals.
At the same time, the head of the Ministry of Digital Development noted that Ukraine needs at least another “half of the existing number” of Starlink terminals to ensure stable communications in wartime conditions.

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