Business news from Ukraine

Ukreximbank joins “єOsela” program

Ukreximbank has joined the “єOsela” program, the press service of the Ministry of Economy reported.

It is reported that Ukreximbank and “Ukrfinzhytlo” signed a corresponding agreement on August 1. Now 6 partner banks take part in the program: Sberbank, Privatbank, Ukrgasbank, Globus Bank, Sky Bank and Ukreximbank.

“Joining one more bank to the list of partners expands opportunities for borrowers wishing to purchase housing or improve housing conditions,” the release said.

As reported, the program of affordable mortgage lending “єOselia” has worked in Ukraine since October 2022. On a preferential mortgage at 3% per annum for up to 20 years with a down payment of 20% of the cost of housing can qualify for contract servicemen of the AFU, security and defense sector workers, medical workers, teachers, researchers. Since its launch in 2022, partner banks have already issued more than UAH 3 billion in loans to more than 2.2 thousand participants.

Since August 1, to apply for participation in the program “єOsela” at 7% can be war veterans, combatants, IDPs and citizens who do not have their own housing more than the standard area.

An apartment can be chosen in a house not older than three years or built by a developer accredited by a partner bank. At the same time, the normative requirements for the area and the marginal cost of the apartment are preserved.

You can apply for participation in the program in the mobile application “Diya”.

At the end of 2022, the government additional capitalized Ukrfinzhytlo for 30 billion UAH through the issue of domestic state loan bonds. According to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Yulia Sviridenko, such financing is enough to issue 12-15 thousand mortgage loans in 2023.


Ukreximbank’s net profit amounted to UAH 1.9 bln

The profit of state-owned Ukreximbank for the first half of 2023 amounted to UAH 1.976 billion, while the same period of 2022 the bank ended with a net loss of UAH 2.537 billion.

“June’s net profit of UAH 440 million allowed Ukreximbank to complete the first half of 2023 with a profit of UAH 1.976 billion. For the same period of 2021, the Bank earned for the state UAH 1.1 billion,” the bank reported on Friday.

It is indicated that interest income generated by the working loan portfolio of the bank takes the main part in the structure of income.

In addition, the bank managed to settle NPL for UAH 670 million, the release said.

Ukrexim said that in the second half of 2023 it intends to increase lending to the economy, offering long-term resources under MFI programs, including grant and compensation components, as well as to support cities and communities in the restoration of infrastructure

“Ukreximbank will continue to fulfill its specialized role in Ukraine’s banking system – strengthening exports, improving the efficiency of imports, financing strategic sectors of the economy,” the state bank stressed.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of June 1, 2023, Ukreximbank ranked 3rd in terms of assets (UAH 274.04 billion) among 65 banks operating in the country. As of July 1, the network of the state bank has 48 branches across the country.


EBRD lends EUR50 mln to state-owned Ukreximbank

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has signed a EUR50 million loan agreement with Ukraine’s state-owned Ukreximbank, the loan funds will be used to finance private clients and municipalities.
“Ensuring uninterrupted financing through time-tested partner financial institutions such as Ukreximbank despite the war so that the private sector and municipalities can continue to operate, provide services and support the country is a priority for the EBRD in Ukraine,” EBRD Managing Director for Eastern Europe and the Caucasus Matteo Patrone said in a release Friday.
It is specified that the EBRD’s special crisis response fund covers the risk on the EUR25 million loan.
“During the war and post-war reconstruction phase, it is very important for Ukreximbank’s clients in priority sectors to have access to investment, commercial financing and war risk coverage. The new EBRD financing will certainly contribute to greater sustainability and adaptability of the Ukrainian economy,” said in turn Oleksandr Shchur, a member of the supervisory board of Ukreximbank.
According to the National Bank of Ukraine at the beginning of May, Ukreximbank with total assets of 275.46 billion UAH is the third largest Ukrainian bank among 65 operating in the country.


Ukreximbank auctioned unfinished skyscraper Sky Towers

State-owned Ukreximbank (Kiev) has put up for auction the claim for the unfinished Sky Towers complex in the center of Kiev at a starting price of UAH 5.580bn.

The auction will be held according to the Dutch model (with price reduction) on May 11 at OpenMarket (SE “SETAM” of the Ministry of Justice).

An attempt to sell the asset had previously been undertaken by the state bank in November 2021 with a starting price of UAH 7.145 billion.

The bank report emphasizes that this is an offer “for an ambitious investor, ready to put an end to the epic of one of the most famous construction projects in the city”, specifying that the 47-storey complex of 223 th sq.m. is completed only up to 28 floors.

It should include two towers of 47 and 34 floors, office and retail premises, 8-level underground parking lot for 900 cars built on the land plot of 0,74 ha located in Sholudenko Street which was also mortgaged by the bank.

It is noted that additional liquid security is the array of 60 land plots with a total area of more than 80 hectares, located within Zazimskiy rural council of Brovarskiy district of Kyiv region.

Also pledged to the bank were property rights for design-bidding and design-budget documentation for building of a community center, and a 100% share in the authorized capital of a debtor legal person.

The possibility of transferring to this facility of the capital mayor’s office was discussed in early 2018 by the Kiev Investment Agency, the completion was estimated at $370 million. At the start of the project was estimated at $512 million.

As reported, Sky Towers on Pobedy Avenue, 13 could become the first Ukrainian skyscraper higher than 200 m (projected height of 214 m). The construction was carried out up to 2015, but reached 28 floors with a design height of 47, after which it was stopped. According to the director of the development company “Agency of Office Construction” Alexander Demin, preservation of the object was not carried out.

Credit agreement with Ukreksimbank was concluded in 2007. In May 2012, the KDD Group, which has fallen into a difficult financial situation, signed an agreement to sell the American Cimbrorum Holdings LLC for $ 202.4 million project Sky Towers and the residential complex “Zazimye. Of this amount, KDD was to receive $12 mln in cash, while the rest was obligations, including $168.4 mln to Ukreximbank. At the same time, the bank increased the credit line for the completion of Sky Towers to $193 million, and the borrower was the Office Construction Agency.

In 2019, the parties signed a financial restructuring plan, but the developer continued to default. The Economic Court of Kyiv in early 2021 satisfied the claim of Ukreximbank to recover from the Agency of Office Construction 5.95 billion UAH of the debt on the loan to finance the construction of Sky Towers.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, the founder of the Office Construction Agency LLC with registered capital of UAH 442 million is the American Taccadero Trading Limited, with David Israel as the ultimate beneficiary.

Ukreximbank was founded in 1992, and the only owner is the state.

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of November 1, 2022 Ukreximbank in terms of total assets ranked third (267.423 billion UAH) among the 67 operating in the country.

Ukreximbank has attracted UAH 250 mln for SME development

State Ukreximbank (Kiev) on March 21 signed an agreement with the Entrepreneurship Development Fund (EDF) to attract on three programs to support Ukrainian enterprises 250 million UAH, the press service of the bank reported on Tuesday.
According to the message, credit resources for Ukreximbank will be provided at the expense of both own funds of the FRD, and the means of the project “SME support”, funded with the support of the German government through the German Development Bank KfW and the EU within the initiative EU4Business.
It is indicated that a significant portion of credit funds is planned to support the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises engaged in export operations, which will contribute to the expansion of national production in world markets.
Ukreximbank was founded in 1992. The only owner of this financial institution is the state.
According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of November 1, 2022 Ukreximbank by total assets was in 3rd place (267.423 billion UAH) among the 67 operating in the country.


Ukreximbank may receive EUR50mn loan from EBRD

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) may lend state-owned Ukreximbank up to EUR50 million to finance private corporate clients and municipalities in Ukraine affected by the war.
“The loan will provide Ukreximbank with much-needed medium-term financing during wartime and will allow the bank to support its private corporate clients and municipalities using its strategic focus, proven experience in corporate lending to critical sectors and strong regional presence,” the bank said in a statement Wednesday.
According to it, the project will be supported by donors: EUR25 million of first-loss risk coverage will be provided by the EBRD’s Special Crisis Response Fund as part of the EBRD’s special Ukraine War Response Package.
Ukreximbank was founded in 1992. The sole owner of the financial institution is the state.
According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of July 1, 2022 Ukreximbank in terms of total assets ranked third (228.608 billion UAH) among 68 operating banks in the country, or about 10% of total assets of the banking system.
The bank has 51 branches across the country and two representative offices in London and New York.

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