Primary registrations of used cars imported from abroad in Ukraine in October exceeded 56,100 vehicles, which is 50% more than in the same month of 2020, and 3% more than in September this year, according to the Ukrautoprom association.“The larger number of registrations of imported used cars was recorded only in February 2019. Then, as now, the surge in registrations was associated with the end of the period of preferential legalization of cars with euro-number plates,” the association said on the website.As reported, preferential conditions for customs clearance will be valid until November 10, 2021 – 180 days from the date of their entry into force. For combatants, the deadline is 270 days, until February 8, 2022.According to the report, the share of used foreign cars of the total registration of passenger cars in October increased to 87.7%, i.e. new cars were registered 85.7% less.The most popular brand among the customs cleared used vehicles was Volkswagen with 10,500 registrations, Renault was second with 4,599 used cars, the third result is for Ford – 4,322 vehicles. Opel followed it in the list, the used cars of this brand were chosen by 4,290 Ukrainians, and Skoda closes the top five with 4,015 cars.In total, in January-October 2021, Ukrainian license plates received for 411,700 imported used cars – 47% more than a year earlier and almost five times more than the number of new passenger cars.In 2020, 353,400 used foreign passenger cars were registered in Ukraine, which is 4.1 times more than sales of new cars (85,500 units).
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