Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian customs officers start using body-worn video recorders in their work

The State Customs Service (SCS), with the support of the EU Advisory Mission, is implementing a pilot project at the Rava-Ruska-Krebenne checkpoint to use individual portable video cameras during customs clearance, the service reported in a Telegram message on Friday.

“The body-worn video recorders operate with the ability to record and store video images in encrypted form, in particular in night mode. Also, the technical characteristics of the DVRs make it impossible for an inspector or an unauthorized person to delete information,” the statement said.

It is expected that the use of video recorders in the work of customs authorities will strengthen the prevention of smuggling, violation of customs rules, prevention of abuse of office, corruption, as well as protection of officials from slander and accusations of unscrupulous entrepreneurs.

It is noted that at the pilot project stage, body-worn video recorders are being tested in the area of Lviv Customs at the Rava-Ruska-Krebenne checkpoint: customs officers have 62 body-worn recorders there.

The possibility of further deploying the project at other checkpoints is also being considered.