A first flight to Europe on the Zaporizhia-Barcelona route was serviced by the plane of Yanair from the Zaporizhia international airport, the press service of the Zaporizhia Regional Council has reported.
Deputy Director of Zaporizhia International Airport Oleksiy Dubrevsky said that the Zaporizhia-Barcelona flight is serviced by Boeing 737-400 plane belonged to Yanair. A total of 163 passengers checked in, which means almost the full loading of the plane.
The airport said that this is a charter flight for summer to be serviced each Wednesday.
There is an interest to launch regular Zaporizhia-Barcelona flight this year.
From July 2, 2018, Zaporizhia-Warsaw regular flights will be launched.
The airport said that this year the task to increase flights and passenger flow is being successfully fulfilled: the airport serviced 152,000 passengers in January-May 2018, which is 85% more than a year ago.
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