Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Tajikistan’s GDP growth for first half of year amounted to 8.3%

14 July , 2023  

Tajikistan’s gross domestic product (GDP) reached 54.2 billion somoni in the first six months of this year, and its real growth amounted to 8.3%.

Such data were given at the meeting on summarizing the results of the National Bank of Tajikistan (NBT) for the first half of this year, the NBT press department reported on Friday.

“During this period, the inflation rate amounted to 2.3%, which is 1.8% points lower than in the same period last year (…) The refinancing rate was revised based on the forecast of the impact of potential internal and external risks on the economy, taking into account that the inflation rate is at the lower level of the established target, and that inflation expectations of the population were reduced to 10.0% per annum,” the report said.

The current exchange rate is $1/10.89 somoni.

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