Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

TAS Insurance Group paid UAH 785 mln in January-May 2024

18 June , 2024  

Insurance group “TAS” (Kiev) for January-May 2024 paid out UAH 785,23 mln under the concluded insurance contracts – it is by 54,3% more than the amount of indemnities of the company for five months of the last year, as reported on the website of the insurer.

More than a quarter of the total volume of payments fell on CASCO – UAH 218,72 mln, which is 38% higher than the corresponding indicator for 5 months of the last year. 2023, 34,37% or UAH 269,89 mln fell on MTPL (+39,2%), 19,5% or UAH 154,6 mln – on “Green Card” (+75,2%).

Even more – in 2,3 times – payments under contracts of voluntary medical insurance have increased up to UAH 117,94 mln, that makes 15,02% of the total volume of indemnities paid by the company in the reporting period

For the first five months of 2024, TAS IG paid UAH 4,13 mln under property insurance contracts, and UAH 19,94 mln under other insurance contracts – by 54,6% more than in the past.

SG “TAS” was registered in 1998. It is a universal company offering its clients more than 80 types of insurance products on various types of voluntary and compulsory insurance. It has an extensive regional network: 28 regional directorates and branches and 450 sales offices throughout Ukraine.