Business news from Ukraine

“TAS” paid out almost UAH 100 mln of indemnities in January

17 February , 2023  

TAS Insurance Group paid UAH 99.74 mln in compensations under the concluded insurance contracts in January 2023, which is 8% more than it was paid by the company in January last year.
According to the insurer’s web-site, over a quarter of all payments in January or 27.94% accounted to CASCO: under contracts of ground transport insurance the company paid UAH 27,86 mln.
The share of MTPL in January portfolio of payments of the company amounted to 35,14%, or 35,05 mln UAH.
The company also reports that in the current year Green Card payments increased 3.8 times up to UAH 23.41 mln, which is 23.47% of the total amount of payments.
At the same time TAS IG paid 10.46 mln UAH according to the voluntary health insurance contracts: this way the share of voluntary health insurance in the Company’s portfolio of payouts for the month was 10,48%.
TAS IG paid UAH 2,96 mln on other insurance contracts in January.