Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


14 December , 2015  

The active work of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) and Businesseurope, the most influential business lobbyist in the EU, which brings together business associations in almost 40 European countries, has entailed the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the organizations in Brussels on December 9. This was preceded by the numerous preliminary contacts, a number of meetings between ULIE President Anatoliy Kinakh and Businesseurope CEO Markus Beyrer in Kyiv and the Belgian capital.

It should be mentioned that in spring this year, to maintain a continuous dialogue, Businesseurope contributed to the opening and the successful start of work in Brussels of the mission of the ULIE and all Ukrainian businesses in the EU.

The partners agreed to exchange information, hold bilateral and multilateral meetings both in Ukraine and in the EU. The agreement also foresees the possibility of joint participation in international projects that promote partnership relations between entrepreneurs, developing the potential of organizations with the assistance of businesses.

“Today’s meeting was very fruitful and rich, we worked on all the aspects of interaction between the ULIE and Businesseurope within the main tasks of the Ukrainian business to enhance cooperation with European entrepreneurs, access to EU markets, the possibility of seeking mechanisms for participation in tenders of the union structures. I want to note that Businesseurope provides tremendous support for the ULIE in implementing the European integration aspirations of our country and the domestic business,” Anatoliy Kinakh said.

Deepening communications in various sectors of the economy, including banking, the IT sector, energy efficiency and energy saving, entrepreneurship were noted among the priority areas of cooperation between the two business organizations. Another important issue is the joint monitoring of the mutual obligations of Ukraine and the EU within the framework of the Association Agreement, the evaluation of effectiveness of the EU programs aimed at supporting Ukrainian businesses, including small and medium. Separate working groups of Businesseurope and the ULIE, the profile associations of Ukrainian businesses that are members of the Anti-Crisis Council of Non-Governmental Organizations will work on these and other issues.

Reference. Businesseurope is the largest business association of the European Union, representing 20 million small, medium and large companies united into 40 national associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs from 34 European countries. Among the core businesses of this structure are the organization of interaction between business circles in Europe in the development of economic and foreign policy of European countries and primarily the EU member states.