Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

There will be more warm days than cold in fall – Ukrainian Weather Center

18 September , 2024  

There will be more warm days than cold ones in the fall, said Natalia Ptukha, a spokeswoman for the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

“For September and October, the average monthly temperature is expected to be two to three degrees higher than the climatic norm. In November, we will be closer to the climatic norm. In September, we have a precipitation deficit. In October, we are closer to the norm and, in principle, we also expect that in November we should be leveling off,” she said at a briefing on Wednesday.

Ptukha noted that for the meteorological autumn to begin, the average daily temperature in a particular region should not rise above 15° for several days. Currently, higher temperatures and a lack of precipitation are recorded in almost all regions of the country, indicating that the meteorological summer is continuing in Ukraine.

The spokesperson for the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center emphasized that in recent years, it has become particularly noticeable that there are more “periods of heat” than “periods of cold”.

“From year to year, any season in our country becomes quite warm. There are fewer and fewer periods with cold days, and they are becoming shorter, not as long and not as intense,” she said.

According to her, it is too early to talk about the upcoming winter. Although it is already clear that there will be fewer “cold periods” and they will not be as severe, Ukrainians should still be prepared for any weather manifestations.

“Of course, we cannot say that we will no longer have cold periods and frosts in winter. No, we don’t say that, because our country is located in such a way that we have seasonality. Of course, there will be winter in some of its manifestations, but still, based on the trends that are now in place, it will be milder more often,” Ptukha said.