Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Three energy-modernized kindergartens for 410 children opened in Rivne with EU support

11 October , 2024  

Three energy-modernized preschools in Rivne for a total of 410 children have started operating, the project was funded by the European Union under a EUR1.56 million grant, the press service of the project manager, the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO), reports.
The energy modernization was carried out for the buildings of the Rivne Special Child Educational and Rehabilitation Center, the Pahinets Center compensatory kindergarten and the 35th kindergarten, which are attended by a total of about 410 children, including IDPs and children with special needs.
“The European Union is pleased with the successful completion of the energy efficiency modernization project in Rivne, which has significantly improved the learning environment for local children, including IDPs and children with disabilities. This initiative reaffirms our unwavering commitment to helping vulnerable people in Ukraine, especially in these difficult times of war. The EU continues to support projects that strengthen the resilience and well-being of communities across Ukraine,” commented Josep Cornet, Head of the Reconstruction, Energy, Infrastructure and Environment Unit at the EU Delegation to Ukraine.
According to Viktor Shakirzyan, Secretary of Rivne City Council and Acting Mayor, these buildings had low energy efficiency and were in need of overhaul for a long time.
“Thanks to the modernization measures, we will be able to reduce costs from the community budget by reducing heat, electricity and water consumption. The work performed will also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is part of our commitment to the NetZeroCities initiative to achieve climate neutrality by 2030,” he said.
The project “Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Municipal Infrastructure in Rivne to Support the Urgent Needs of Internally Displaced Persons” was successfully implemented with the financial support of the European Union and implemented by the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) under the NIP “EU Support for Urgent Housing Needs” program.
In total, the partnership between Rivne community and NEFCO has been going on for nine years, and four projects worth EUR 3 million 760 thousand have already been implemented. In particular, comprehensive thermal modernization of schools #26, #18 and #27, as well as kindergartens #14, #33 and #46, has been carried out to support the city’s transition to energy-efficient public buildings. Other measures implemented in educational institutions include the installation of eight new individual heating stations, replacement of kitchen equipment in 11 buildings, replacement of water tap nozzles in 13 buildings, and replacement of lighting fixtures with new LED lamps in 31 buildings.
NEFCO has also provided grant funding for the implementation of the project “Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings and Street Lighting in Rivne” under the Norway-Ukraine Energy Efficiency Initiative program. The grant funds will be used to insulate the facades of buildings, replace windows and entrance doors, and insulate roofs in pre-schools #7 and #57. Street lighting will also be modernized, including the replacement of lamps with energy-efficient ones, on the main and secondary streets of Rivne. The grant funds will also be used to install solar photovoltaic power plants on the roofs of three buildings of the Central City Hospital of the Rivne City Council, which need uninterrupted electricity supply.
