Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


1 February , 2016  

KHARKIV. Feb 1 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Public joint-stock company Turboatom (Kharkiv) and China Dongfang Electric Machinery have signed a memorandum of cooperation.

The press service of Turboatom reported on Thursday that the document envisages joint marketing operations on supply of Turboatom’s urbones for nuclear power plants (NPPs), thermal power plants (TPPs) and hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) to China and third countries.

“The possibility of supply generators of 1,000 MW and more made by Dongfang Electric Machinery and other equipment for turbine islands that is not made in Ukraine to new reactors three and four of Khmelnytsky NPP,” the press service said.

Turboatom Director General Viktor Subotin said that under a protocol signed in September 2015 by National Nuclear Generating Company Energoatom and Turboatom, the latter was selected as the general supplier of equipment for turbine islands of reactors three and four of Khmelnytsky NPP. The key possible supplier of generators that earlier were produced for the NPP by Russia’s Power Machines, is Electrotyazhmash Plant (Kharkiv). Energoatom and Turboatom are mulling alternative suppliers.

“One of the alternatives is the Chinese company which would be able to fulfill the order in the shortest terms if it is required,” the press service said.

Subotin said that the possibility of co-financing the project on construction of reactors by China, at least, in the volumes of equipment that China would ship.