Business news from Ukraine


14 July , 2015  

KYIV. July 14 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will be the co-organizers of the first U.S.-Ukrainian Business Forum which will offer a platform for dialogue between the leaders of U.S. business circles and representatives of the Ukrainian government on the future of bilateral economic and commercial cooperation, U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker has said.

“Our goal is clear: to make Ukraine a more attractive place for doing business,” the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers reported, citing Pritzker.

She said that the American private sector should play an important role in strengthening and stabilizing the Ukrainian market. Many companies that will participate in the forum have already invested in Ukraine. Other companies could become investors in the future.

Pritzker said it is fortunate that the Ukrainian leadership has started to make progress in fighting corruption, increasing transparency, reforming the regulatory system, and increasing confidence in the Ukrainian market.

She said that more events are required and the Monday forum is the “perfect opportunity for American executives to offer specific recommendations about how to enhance the way business is conducted in Ukraine.”

“The Obama Administration is committed to supporting and expanding strong economic relations between the U.S. and Ukraine,” Pritzker added.