Business news from Ukraine


13 September , 2016  

KYIV. Sept 13 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Ukrainian Agribusiness Club (UCAB) and American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine have urged the government to urgently solve the problem of restoring registration of new plant protection agents.

“We call to urgently resume the public registration of new plant protection agents and quickly remove systemic problems in this sector that is strategically important for Ukrainian agriculture,” UCAB said in a Monday press release, referring to the address to the government.

The UCAB said that in 2015-2016 regular breaks and large delays in the public registration of plant protection agents were seen, and at present the process has been completely stopped.

According to the report, the above-mentioned problems mainly appear at the stage of approving sanitary requirements and pesticide and agricultural chemicals safe application regulations.

“The procedure for approving sanitary requirements and regulations is not clearly described and regulated. In practice it suddenly was significantly changed in late 2015, which resulted in ambiguous interpretation of the procedure for approving the above-mentioned documents, extra red tape, vagueness in distribution of powers and responsibility between the public agencies, violation of the terms and the full hindering of the process,” the UCAB said.

The association said the situation involving plant protection agents registration is not in line with the deregulation policy announced by the government.