Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

UGA names ten largest buyers of Ukrainian wheat in August

20 September , 2024  

Ukraine exported 2.24 mln tons of wheat in August of this year (2024-2025 marketing year), the Ukrainian Grain Association (UGA) reported on Facebook.

According to the published infographic, 492 thousand tons of wheat were shipped to Spain, 426 thousand tons to Indonesia, 240 thousand tons to Vietnam, 191 thousand tons to Algeria, and 146 thousand tons to Egypt. Thailand (96 thsd tonnes), Portugal (82 thsd tonnes), Yemen (61 thsd tonnes), Tunisia (79 thsd tonnes) and Italy (68 thsd tonnes) also became the top 100 buyers of Ukrainian grain.

“Interestingly, in August, Indonesia and Vietnam took the 2nd and 3rd place in terms of imports of Ukrainian wheat, pushing Algeria and Egypt to the 4th and 5th place, respectively,” the association noted.

According to the UGA, Ukraine exported 1.277 mln tons of wheat in the first half of September, which is already higher than the volume for the same period last month, when it amounted to 1.266 mln tons.