Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine and major partners sign statement of intent to restart private insurance market

22 June , 2023  

Ukraine, the European Commission, Switzerland, Norway, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed a Statement of Intent to restart the private insurance market to support Ukraine’s sustainability and recovery, Prime Minister Denis Schmigal said
“Rebuilding Ukraine will be the largest recovery project since World War II. We are involving all of our international partners in this process, as well as the private sector. It will be the engine of Ukraine’s reconstruction. Today on the margins of the conference in London, together with the European Commission, Switzerland, Norway, the EIB and the EBRD signed a Statement of Intent to restart the private insurance market to support the sustainability and recovery of Ukraine,” Shmygal wrote in the Telegram channel.
According to him, it will kick-start business insurance against military risks when investing in Ukraine.
“At the expense of donor support will be able to attract Ukrainian and international insurance and reinsurance companies again. Such an important step will help in the return of foreign investment in Ukraine. It means economic recovery, jobs and taxes to support our army,” he concluded.