Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


12 April , 2016  

KYIV. April 12 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine and China have approved a long-term program of cooperation in the space sector for the period of 2016-2020.

According to the press service of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, the document was approved at a meeting of the subcommittee on cooperation in the space sector of the Ukrainian-Chinese intergovernmental commission in Kyiv on April 7-8.

The new long-term program of bilateral cooperation provides for the joint implementation of more than 70 projects. Most of them envisage the creation of rocket and space technologies, taking into account China’s implementing the Lunar Exploration Program and a mission to study the planets of the solar system, as well as cooperation in the field of creating new materials and Earth remote sensing.

CEO of the State Space Agency of Ukraine Liubomyr Sabadosh and from China – Deputy Head of the China National Space Administration Wu Yanhua co-chaired the subcommittee.

According to the agreement of the parties, the next meeting of the subcommittee on cooperation in the space sector of the Ukrainian-Chinese intergovernmental commission is to be held in China in the first half of 2017.