Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine cuts foreign exchange earnings from ferrous metal exports by 47.6%

9 October , 2023  

In January-September of this year, Ukraine’s steelmaking companies reduced their earnings from ferrous metal exports by 47.6% year-on-year to $2 billion 79.713 million.

According to statistics released by the State Customs Service (SCS), ferrous metals accounted for 7.66% of total export revenues during this period, while in the first nine months of 2022, the share was 11.99%.

In September, revenues from exports of ferrous metals amounted to $258.675 million, while in the previous month – $200.016 million.

At the same time, Ukraine increased imports of similar products by 46.7% to $979.035 million in the first nine months of this year. In September, products worth $123.751 million were imported.

In addition, in January-September, Ukraine reduced exports of metal products by 13.8% year-on-year to $693.984 million. In September, exports were worth $68.742 million.

At the same time, imports of steel products increased by 29.4% to $605.218 million over the same period. In September, Ukraine received $89.645 million worth of these products.

As reported earlier, in 2022, Ukraine’s steelmaking companies reduced revenues from ferrous metal exports by 67.5% compared to 2021, to $4 billion 533.088 million. During this period, ferrous metals accounted for 10.26% of total revenues from exports of goods, compared to 20.49% in 2021. At the same time, last year Ukraine reduced imports of similar products by 38.3% to $954.387 million.

In addition, in 2022, Ukraine reduced exports of metal products by 18.6% to $1 billion 52.512 million. Imports of metal products fell by 42.9% to $643.162 million over the year.

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