Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine has already delivered 30 thousand terminals Starlink

15 January , 2023  

Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov reports that as of Friday evening 30 thousand Starlink terminals have already been deployed in Ukraine. “30 thousand Starlink terminals are already in Ukraine. The 24/7 Mincifra team is working to provide even more terminals. International partners are helping with this. After all, Starlinks have become part of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure. Thanks to them Ukrainians remain in touch where the usual network does not work during a power outage, “- Fedorov wrote in a telegram.
He specified that the last batch – 8 thousand terminals – Ukraine was helped to purchase by Poland.
“Hundreds of Starlinks from this batch are already working in the Points of Inconsistency across the country. Another part has been handed over to power engineers and medics. Yesterday I stopped by to protest the satellite Internet in one of the POPs from the State Emergency Service in Irpin”, – said the Minister.
He thanked Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Secretary of State for Digitalization Janusz Cieszynski for providing terminals to Ukraine.
“Special thanks to the National Telecommunications Institute and Orlen. Thanks to you millions of Ukrainians stay in touch!” – Fedorov concluded.