Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine intends to export 60-65% of harvest

12 September , 2024  

Despite Russia’s war against it, Ukraine intends to export 60-65% of its harvest in the 2024-2025 marketing year (MY), Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Vitaliy Koval said during a national telethon.
“The main issue facing the government is to ensure the country’s food security. At the same time, we plan that Ukraine will export about 43 million tons (of agricultural products – IF-U) to foreign markets,” he said.
Koval specified that wheat exports are expected to reach 16.2 million tons, and corn – about 25 million tons. Ukrainian processors will be provided with wheat, and the surplus is already being exported.
“Today, the agricultural sector accounts for about 60% of the country’s total export revenue. It is very important that foreign markets receive Ukrainian products. And not only agricultural raw materials, but also value-added products and processed products. It is very important that these percentages grow. It is also important that the amount of harvested crops that we can export does not remain in the country and that exports grow,” the Minister of Agrarian Policy summarized.
