Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


11 January , 2022  

Ukraine International Airlines (UIA, Kyiv) considers a priority issue of debt restructuring to state-owned enterprises – Boryspil airport (Kyiv) and UkSATSE. “Debt restructuring for me is one of the priority tasks. On this issue, we are in the negotiation process with the state, and I see that there is a political will for a mutually beneficial solution,” CEO of the airline Yevhen Dykhne said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
According to him, now the issue of the consolidated position of the state on granting powers to the leaders of Boryspil airport and UkSATSE is being worked out.
“They should receive additional powers as an act of goodwill on the part of the state to meet airlines halfway in stopping fines, penalties and restructuring debts, because today, they do not have such a right as heads of state-owned enterprises. We also need political will, which should be formalized into a government decision,” Dykhne said.
According to him, at present, UIA has disputes in courts totaling almost UAH 1.5 billion with UkSATSE and almost UAH 800 million with Boryspil airport.
“We are talking with businesses and with the government about a five-seven-year repayment schedule, because we cannot talk about another restructuring, we cannot deceive anyone. We are talking about a situation that we can serve. Our proposed audit as an attachment to this restructuring shows our ability to pay,” the CEO of UIA said.
According to Dykhne, during his work at the company neither in 2020 nor in 2021 there was no increase in debts to these state-owned enterprises, since the airline began working with them on a prepayment basis.

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