Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


30 March , 2020  

Ukraine is holding talks on supply of medicines with active substance Hydroxychlorochinum, which in particular are prescribed to treat malaria and showed the efficacy against the coronavirus disease COVID-19, Head of the parliamentary committee for health of the nation and medical insurance Mykhailo Radutsky has said.
“There is such a drug – hydroxychlorochinum, which is prescribed for the treatment of malaria, rheumatoid arthritis and some dermatological diseases. There are no clinical trials of the efficacy of treating COVID-19. However, the corresponding clinical trials are being conducted in the United States, Europe and China. The law that we plan to adopt will allow us to apply this drug during the treatment of COVID-19. Today, we are looking for this drug around the world, countries have banned its export, consider it strategic,” he said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
Radutsky said that negotiations on the purchase of the drug are underway, in particular with India.
“This is the second day in negotiations with the government of India, where this drug is also being manufactured. We are waiting for their decision,” he said.