Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


12 October , 2015  

KYIV. Oct 12 (Interfax) – Following the talks, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev have signed the Ukraine-Kazakhstan Action Plan for 2015-2017 (“Roadmap-5”), which identifies the key vectors of bilateral cooperation for the near future, reads the two presidents’ joint statement published on the official website of the Ukrainian president.

The presidents noted that a significant intensification of trade and economic cooperation is one of the main tasks of bilateral relations. It is confirmed that the priority for the development of mutually beneficial cooperation are the fuel and energy, agricultural, energy, transport, mining and agricultural mechanic engineering, the formation of infrastructure facilities, aviation, space and other fields. The presidents also stated their readiness to further deepen the Ukrainian-Kazakh relations in political, trade, economic, research, technical, cultural, humanitarian and other areas.

The heads of states reaffirmed the commitment of Ukraine and Kazakhstan to the fundamental principles of international law, respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state laid down in the fundamental documents of the UN, the OSCE. In this regard, they noted a common position on the need to implement the Minsk agreements of 2014-2015 in full and welcomed the outcome of the Normandy Quartet meeting in Paris on October

Speaking about the cooperation between the two countries after the entry into force of the 2016 economic part of the Association Agreement with Ukraine and the EU on the formation of the suggested free trade zone, the Kazakh leader said that Kazakhstan will comply with the provisions of the existing regulatory framework.

“We know Russia’s position. Starting January 1, 2016, the association agreement comes into force [the economic part of the agreement] between the EU and Ukraine. Something might change in the supply of goods from Europe through Ukraine to Russia, because you already have your bilateral relations. I think we need to make an agreement, and we will remain committed to what we signed earlier, as we have agreed with you,” Nazarbayev said.

In turn, the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko expressed the hope that Russia will not impose restrictions on Ukraine as a result of the consultations in the Ukraine-EU-Russia format.

The leaders of both countries noted the topicality of the International Exhibition EXPO 2017 “Energy of the Future.”

Nazarbayev supported Ukraine’s initiative on the accession to the Asia-Europe (ASEM) Public Forum, which will give a new impetus to cooperation between Asia and Europe and will contribute to sustainable development of all participants of the forum and support stability in the world.

Kazakh and Ukrainian enterprises signed a number of bilateral agreements at the Kazakh-Ukrainian business forum in Astana on Friday on cooperation and mutual understanding in the spheres of aviation, engineering and tourism, an Interfax correspondent reported.

The cooperation agreement was signed between the LLP Kazakhstan Aviation Industry and the Ukrspetsexport gas company. The goal of the signed agreement was to create a service center for Ukrainian aircraft parts based on the Aviation Technical Centre in Astana.

“The creation of a service center is planned for February 2016, the CEO of Kazakhstan Aviation Industry Kairat Zhaukhanov told Interfax.

“It is assumed that equipment will be delivered directly to our company. Assembly will be carried out at our factory. The opening is tentatively planned for February 1, 2016. The whole process is planned to start in April,” he said.

Zhaukhanov said that the agreement also foresees the training of aviation industry specialists in Kyiv.

Additionally, a memorandum on cooperation between the Astana EXPO-2017 and Monaco Ukraine Group with the goal of developing tourist connections by way of attracting tourists from Ukraine to the Expo-2017 exhibition.

At the same time the National Agency for Export and Investments Kaznex Invest signed a memorandum of understanding with Tatra-Yug. The aim of the signing is cooperation in the trolleybus rail manufacturing sphere and deliveries from Ukraine to Kazakhstan of trolleybus cars.