Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine managed to export 265 thousand tons of sugar in 7 months

3 April , 2023  

Ukraine managed to export 265 thousand tons of sugar in 7 months of the current marketing year (MY, September 2022 – August 2023), which is 4.8 times more than in the entire 2021-2022 marketing year, said Nazar Mykhailovyn, acting Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Sugar Producers of Ukraine Ukrtsukor.
“For the entire period of 2021/2022 MY, 55 thousand tons of sugar were exported. From September 1, 2022, to March 28, 2023, Ukraine increased exports by 4.8 times to 265 thousand tons,” he said in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
According to Mikhailovin, in 2022, 23 Ukrainian sugar factories produced 1.33 million tons of sugar, while a year earlier 33 enterprises produced 1.45 million tons. “The reduction in sugar production by 120 thousand tons with 30% of production capacities not used was not critical for Ukraine. In addition, we had a surplus and significant carry-over balances from 2021/2022 MY in the amount of 491 thousand tons,” the head of the association said.
He reminded that as of the beginning of the war, sugar exports from Ukraine were suspended due to the hostilities. On June 5, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution to allow sugar exports under licenses issued by the Ministry of Economy. Due to the hostilities and the lack of seaports, Ukraine was forced to change the geography of exports. According to the European Union’s decision, Ukraine can ship sugar to Europe without tariff quotas and duties.
According to Mykhailovyn, due to drought and poor sugar beet harvest, as well as higher natural gas prices than in Ukraine, Europe produced less sugar, and it was more expensive than Ukrainian sugar. “Ukraine was able to sell sugar in Europe at a decent price,” he stated.
