Business news from Ukraine


17 February , 2021  

The Ukrainian government intends to withdraw from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) agreement on the coordination of interstate relations in postal and electric communications services, which was signed in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on October 9, 1992.

This issue has been included on the agenda of the government’s meeting on February 17.

In this document, the parties agreed to coordinate steps to provide communications services, harmonize the development of communications networks and systems, draw up a concept for research and technology policy and tariff policy, train personnel and coordinate the operations of educational establishments in the field of communications, and protect the common interests of the states within international communications organizations and their bodies.

However, as Kyiv believes, the agreement has not been implemented with regard to Ukraine since it was signed. Furthermore, the Ukrainian government has said, withdrawal from the accord will not impact the interests of Ukrainian citizens.

It was reported in August 2020 that the Ukrainian government had decided to pull out of seven international treaties signed within the CIS between 1993 and 2001.

Specifically, the Ukrainian government asked the country’s Foreign Ministry to notify the CIS Executive Committee of Kyiv’s withdrawal from the decision to establish the Radio Navigation interstate consultative council (January 22, 1993, Minsk), the agreement on long-range radio navigation support in the CIS (March 12, 1993, Moscow), the agreement on the practical use of the provisions of Article 83 bis of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (December 9, 1994, Moscow), the agreement on cooperation in organizing and providing search and rescue support during flights of civil aircraft (December 9, 1994, Moscow), and the agreement on cooperation and protection of civil aviation from acts of illegal interference (May 26, 1995, Moscow).