Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


2 December , 2015  

KYIV. Dec 2 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Ukrainian government plans to draw up a bill on revoking customs and tax preferences for imports of energy efficient equipment, appliances and spare parts to Ukraine in 2016.

This is outlined in the national action plan for energy efficiency until 2020 drawn up by the Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Ministry of Ukraine and approved by cabinet resolution No. 1228-r of November 25 posted on the government’s website.

The government said that the revoking of the preferences would result in the legal groundwork for the development f production of energy efficient equipment in Ukraine via granting equal economic conditions during the realization of energy efficient projects in Ukraine.

The national energy efficiency plan until 2020 states that by late 2015 and in 2016 the draft cabinet resolution on the approval of the technical regulations for energy labeling of air conditioners and TV panels will be drawn up.

According to the document, the Economic Development and Trade Ministry, Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Ministry and the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving are executors of the plan.

As reported, referring to the State Agency for Energy Efficiency, on September 28, the governmental committee for economic development and European integration chaired by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk approved the draft cabinet resolution on the national action plan for energy efficiency until 2020.

The approval of the document is one of the key liabilities of the country as part of the implementation of 2006/32/EU directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services.

The interim goal of the national plan in 2017 is the reduction of domestic energy consumption at the level of 5% of the average indicator for energy consumption in 2005-2009, the agency said.