Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine puts new deposits up for sale

18 September , 2024  

The most expensive lot is a granodiorite deposit in Rivne region

The State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine has announced auctions for the sale of eleven special permits for subsoil use. NADRA.INFO reports.

The auctions will be held on 08.10.2024. The period for submitting proposals: 20.09.2024 18:00 – 07.10.2024 20:00

We are publishing an overview of the lots with links to register for the auctions, as well as YouControl data on the owners of the companies that initiated the auctions.

As a reminder: the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine monitors the auctions held by the State Service of Geology and Subsoil of Ukraine. A special permit purchased in collusion between bidders may be invalidated.


The Maloskelivske quartzite deposit was explored in 1952-1956 by the Ukrainian Geological Exploration Trust of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the Ukrainian SSR. The quartzites are suitable for use in a charge (75%:25%) with Ovruch quartzites for ferrosilicon production.

The eastern section of the Maloskelivske quartzite deposit has been developed by KGC since 2007 on the basis of a special subsoil use permit No. 4616 dated 18.12.2007. The permit was canceled by the order of the State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources No. 221 dated 07.07.2022.

The State Balance Sheet of Mineral Reserves of Ukraine “Quartzite and Quartz for Refractories” records the balance of quartzite reserves of the Eastern area of Maloskelivske deposit in the amount of 1426.59 thousand tons in category C1 (class code 121) and with uncertain commercial value in category B+C1 – 2345 thousand tons (class code 332).

Given the annual dense-body capacity of the quarry of 121.2 thousand tons, the company’s quartzite reserves are expected to last for 11.9 years (source).


  • Trostianets deposit, production (Khmelnytsky region, Shepetivka district). The starting price is UAH 2,962,623.48. The initiator is Ukrmineralresurs LLC (Oksana Litvinova and Yevhen Kovalenko). The company previously held the special permit No. 4519 for the Trostyanets chalk deposit, which was canceled.

As of 01.01.2024, the State Balance Sheet of Mineral Reserves of Ukraine “Carbonate raw materials for feed additives” recorded chalk reserves of Trostyanetsky deposit in the amount of 2215.41 thousand tons in categoryC1 (class code 122) (source ).


The reserves of loams of the North-Western and South-Eastern sections of Moskalivske deposit, recorded as of 01.01.2024 in the State Balance of Mineral Reserves of Ukraine “Raw materials for brick and tile”, correspond to the approved ones and amount to the following (thousandm3): North-Western section: C2 – 971.5 (class code 122); South-Eastern area: C2 – 235.6 (class code 122). Total for the field: C2 – 1207.1 (source ).

Chalk, loam

The chalk meets the requirements of the cement industry as a carbonate component of cement charge for the production of Portland cement grades 400 and 500. In addition to cement production, the deposit’s chalk is suitable for the production of construction lime, as well as for the production of fine ground chalk of MMS-1 and MMS-2 grades (GOST 12085-88) for liming acidic soils (source).

Clay, loam

  • Mamrynske-2 deposit, GW + DPR + PR (Zhytomyr region, Zhytomyr district). The starting price is UAH 83,512.8. The initiator is Nasha Sprava Plus LLC (Pavlo Khotskyi). Mr. Khotskyi and partners (Pavlo Svitailo and Yevhen Migai) control Eco-Nest Plus LLC, which holds a special permit for sand extraction at the Smolivske deposit (No. 5939, until 2034).

The Mamrynske-2 deposit of brick raw materials was developed in 1997-2010 by the collective enterprise Korostyshivskyi Rayiagrobud. The State Balance of Mineral Reserves of Ukraine “Brick and Tile Raw Materials” as of January 01, 2024, recorded the balance reserves of loams and clays of Mamrynske-2 deposit in the amount of 165.7 thousandm3 under category A (source ).


  • Yarivske deposit (1971 site), GV + PI + PR (Rivne region, Sarny district). The starting price is UAH 18 615 597.82. The initiator is Yarivsky Grankarier PrJSC (Yana Danylchuk), which previously used the Yarivsky granodiorite deposit (it held special permits No. 2192 and 2958, both until 2020).

According to all indicators, fresh and weathered granodiorites meet the requirements of the relevant State Standards for raw materials for the production of crushed stone grade 1200 and rubble stone grade 800.

As of 01.01.2024, the remaining reserves of the Yarivske deposit (1971 site), accounted for by the State Balance of Mineral Reserves of Ukraine “Building Stone”, are as follows (thousandm3) by category A – 1965.5, B – 7064.2,C1 – 4407.8;A+B+C1 – 13437.5;C2 – 2850.6 (source ).


  • Dibrivska 2 land plot, GV + DPR + PR (Rivne region, Varas district). The starting price is UAH 1,369,680. The initiator is Klopfel Real Estate LLC (Mark Klopfel, Germany/U.A.E.). The company of Mark Klopfel and Dmytro Ugro, Polissia Nature Resource LLC, holds five valid special permits for amber-bearing areas (5578, 5611, 5636, 5657, 5664).
  • Dibrivska 5, GV + DPR + PR (Rivne region, Varash district). The starting price is UAH 1 098 240. The initiator is Klopfel Real Estate LLC.
  • Land plot Dibrivska 6, GV + DPR + PR (Rivne region, Varas district). The starting price is UAH 1,258,400. The initiator is Klopfel Real Estate LLC.

Argillite, siltstone, sand

Volovyn field (south-eastern and north-western parts), GW + DPR + PR (Lviv region, Chervonohrad district). The starting price is UAH 2,445,760. The initiator is Darvar LLC (Ivan Vartovnyk).


Zarichna technogenic area (dump of Zarichna mine), GW + DPR + PR (Lviv region, Chervonohrad district). The starting price is UAH 1,948,160. The initiator is NPO Zakhid Invest LLC (Vladyslav Liubovskyi).

As a reminder, the State Service of Geology and Subsoil has scheduled 11 auctions for the sale of special permits for the use of subsoil areas with hydrocarbon deposits for 24.09.2024.
