Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


7 June , 2016  

KYIV. June 7 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The government office for European Integration has drawn up a report on the implementation of the Association agenda and the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement for January through May 2016.

The report posted on the government’s website on Monday consists of several sections concerning reforms in various spheres. It is based on information provided by government agencies involved in the implementation of relevant tasks.

The report aims at informing Ukrainian citizens, representatives of nongovernmental organizations and international society, including EU institutions, about Ukraine’s progress in implementing goals of political association and economic integration with the EU.

The report contains information about bills returned to meet the provisions of Part 3 of Article 105 of the Verkhovna Rada regulations.

It contains information about international technical assistance projects to accomplish missions in the area of EU integration and the Association Agreement and gives examples of using this assistance.

The document summarized expert assessments for the bills being discussed by parliament that touch on top priorities of implementing the Association agreement, starting with the creation of the free trade area and sector cooperation, if they comply with the Agreement and EU legislation.