Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine sells the Ukraina Hotel

15 July , 2024  

The auction for the sale in the system “Prosorro.Sales” of a single property complex of the state enterprise “Hotel “Ukraine” will be held on September 18, and 100% stake in JSC “United Mining and Chemical Company” (UGCC) – on October 9 of that year, the relevant dates determined the State Property Fund on Monday.

“Both auctions will be held in electronic format in the system “Prosorro.Sales” with the conditions approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on July 12, 2024. The maximum possible term for the auction has been set for OGCC, which allows potential buyers, including foreign ones, to conduct a full-fledged independent due diligence (Due Diligence) of the enterprise,” the privatization agency noted in a press release.

The starting price for the sale of the capital’s Hotel Ukraina is set at UAH 1 billion 47.637 million, while the price for OGCC is set at UAH 3 billion 899.358 million.