Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine sowed 1.5 mln hectares of winter crops for harvest-2025 – Ministry of Agrarian Policy

25 September , 2024  

As of September 18, farmers in all regions of Ukraine sowed 1.8 million hectares of winter crops, compared to 1.0487 million hectares last week, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food reports.
According to the report, winter wheat was sown on 878.8 thousand hectares (340.3 thousand hectares a week earlier), barley – on 45 thousand hectares (16.5 thousand hectares), rye – on 20.7 thousand hectares (3.4 thousand hectares), and rapeseed – on 862.2 thousand hectares (688.4 thousand hectares).
According to the Ministry, the leaders in sowing of winter grains are the farmers of Poltava, Kirovograd and Mykolaiv regions, who planted 944.5 thou hectares.
As of the same date a year earlier, Ukraine planted 2.179 mln ha of winter crops, including 1.038 mln ha of rapeseed, 1.024 mln ha of wheat, 74 thou ha of barley, and 42 thou ha of rye.
