Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


9 September , 2019  

The updated national standards for construction of houses with energy efficiency class of no lower than C will take effect on December 1, 2019, the press service of Deputy Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Minister Lev Partskhaladze has reported.
According to the changes, the mandatory design of residential buildings and built-in premises with an energy efficiency class of at least C is outlined in the national construction standards, and also taking into account the requirements of the national construction standard B.2.6-31: 2016 “Thermal Insulation of Houses.” The standard applies to new construction and reconstruction.
The new requirements will save up to 40% of heat in these houses, Partskhaladze said.
The new national construction standard B.2.2-15: 2019 “Residential Buildings. Key Provisions” was developed by the specialists of PJSC Ukrainian Zonal Research and Project Institute for Civil Engineering to replace the outdated 2005 requirement.
As reported, from December 1, 2018, new national construction standards on the introduction of European requirements for facade thermal insulation, which save up to 15% of heat annually, entered into force.