Business news from Ukraine


17 April , 2019  

Ukrainian airlines in March 2019 serviced 86.2% of flights of the total number of flights serviced at Ukrainian airports within the 15 minute deviation from the timetable, which is 9.1 percentage points (p.p.) better than the figure for January 2019 (77.1%), according to a posting on the website of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine.
According to the authority, in March, Ukrainian airlines serviced 3,701 flights.
The punctuality of foreign airlines in March compared with January increased to 87.1% from 75.1%, while the number of flights totaled 2,677.
Of the Ukrainian airlines that made more than 50 flights a month in January, Motor Sich remains the most punctual, with 93.4% and the number of flights 229.
Windrose is second with 91.2% and with the number of 342.
Punctuality of Ukraine’s largest airline in the market – Ukraine International Airlines – was 87.5%, while the number of flights serviced was 2,602.
The indicators in March for Bukovyna and SkyUp were 81% each and 84 and 267 flights respectively.
Air Baltic, Jordan Aviation, Alitalia, Czech Airlines, Laudamotion, AZAL, Wizz Air UK and Bulgaria Air were ranked the top of the March punctuality rating among foreign airlines with the 100% punctuality, the number of their flights was from four to 83 per month.
Pegasus Airlines had the best performance among low cost airlines – 92.6% with 95 flights. The figure of Hungarian Wizzair was 91.6% with 486 flights, while Irish Ryanair and the Italian airline Ernest turned out to be next in the rating – 88% with 233 flights and 87% with 100 flights respectively.
