Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian icebreaker ends second Antarctic season

30 April , 2023  

Ukrainian research icebreaker “Noosphere” on Saturday, April 29, arrived from the Antarctic to Cape Town (South Africa), completing the second Antarctic season, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reports.
“From the icy continent to the “big land” the icebreaker brought 3 expeditions: the wintering team of the 27th Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition, whose participants and participants worked at our station “Academician Vernadsky” during the year. These are scientists in geophysics, biology, meteorology, as well as the life support team; the seasonal detachment, which performed the task at Vernadsky during the Antarctic summer. These are scientists and technicians, participants in the Polish Antarctic expedition from the station “Artcovsky”, – is indicated in a message in Telegram-channel.
In total, the second season of “Noosphere” lasted 4 months and consisted of 2 parts.
