Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian parliament speaker says Rada may soon fill Cabinet vacancies

30 June , 2024  

The Verkhovna Rada may fill the vacancies in the Cabinet of Ministers at one of its upcoming plenary sessions, Ukrainian parliament speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk said.

“I am convinced that literally in the near future the Verkhovna Rada will return to personnel issues and our task is to fill the government,” Stefanchuk said on the air of a national telethon on Saturday.

He emphasized that one of the next plenary sessions of the parliament could be devoted to personnel issues.

According to Stefanchuk, it is necessary to move away from the practice of “acting ministers in certain areas.”

“There should be a minister, a full-fledged member of the government who fulfills the tasks entrusted to him by the people of Ukraine in the area of the executive branch entrusted to him,” the speaker noted.