Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


28 May , 2020  

Ukrainian winegrowers and winemakers have asked the president and the government to reduce tax burden to minimize the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the national quarantine. According to Bayadera Group’s press service, the initiative was supported by more than 50 vineyards and major wineries.
“In an open letter, they proposed, in particular, to introduce a special taxation regime for agricultural producers engaged in the cultivation of perennial plantations, viticulture and winemaking. Due to the worsening economic situation in the industry and adverse climatic conditions in the Black Sea region, this year they urge the abolition of certain taxes and reduce financial burden,” Bayadera Group said.
In addition, due to the negative consequences of the pandemic, national producers urge the government to support them by providing more loyal terms of representation in retail chains, increasing the share of Ukrainian wine and introducing duties as a protective mechanism.
“A significant increase in the import of alcoholic drinks in Ukraine has been observed over the past three years. For example, in 2019 the share of imported wine in retail chains was 58%, sparkling wine some 51%, vermouth and aperitifs some 69%,” Bayadera Group noted.
The winegrowers and winemakers hope that in connection with the difficult situation resulting from the pandemic and the introduction of quarantine, the authorities will take the proposed measures in the near future.
