Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


16 June , 2016  

KYIV. June 16 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine’s State Agency of Automobile Roads (Ukravtodor) on June 13, 2016 first posted two tender announcements on smart electronic platform, which is part of the ProZorro public procurement system.

According to Ukravtodor’s press release, the agency seeks to select an organization that will control the state of roads and the quality of road works. The approximate cost of the agreement is UAH 20 million.

The second announcement concerns the selection of executors of research and design works for the road sector consisting of 92 lots and totally worth some UAH 34.359 million.

“The switch to the ProZorro system is an important step on the way to reload the whole public procurement system in the road economy,” acting head of Ukravtodor Yevhen Barakh said.

He expressed hope that the auction mode would considerably decrease expenses on the organization of these works.

Soon Ukravtodor intends to purchase office materials for the needs of the agency’s employees. The road sector is to fully switch to electronic trading from August 1, 2016.