Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Ukrburgaz” drilled record 157 thousand meters in 15 years

11 July , 2023  

In January-June 2023, Ukrburgaz specialists (a division of Ukrgasvydobuvannya JSC) drilled more than 157 thousand meters, which is a record six-month figure for the last 15 years, the press service of Naftogaz of Ukraine reports.
“Despite the war, we not only continue to drill new wells, produce natural gas and fill underground gas storage facilities, but also work to increase production performance,” said Oleksiy Chernyshov, Head of Naftogaz Group.
The press service also clarified that in April 2023, a record for monthly penetration was set – 32.4 thousand meters.
As reported, in February, the head of UGV Oleg Tolmachev said that in 2023 the company plans to increase drilling by 1.5 times compared to last year – up to 300 thousand meters.
“In 2022, Ukrgasvydobuvannya drilled 47 new wells, compared to 50 in 2021.
“Naftogaz aims to increase its own natural gas production by 1 bcm in 2023 – up to 13.5 bcm. In 2022, UGV produced 12.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas (commercial), which is 3% less than in 2021.
NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine owns 100% of Ukrgasvydobuvannya shares.