Business news from Ukraine

ULIE Appeal to Law Enforcement Agencies and Public

24 July , 2024  

The Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) is forced to appeal to law enforcement agencies and the public due to a new incident of attempted blocking of its activities at its headquarters at 34 Khreshchatyk Street, Kyiv.

The personal belongings of the business union’s employees, as well as important working documents, keys for electronic signatures, forms and seals of the organization remain in the premises. This situation greatly complicates our activities and threatens to disrupt the international projects to restore Ukraine that we are involved in.

We remind you that a few months ago, the balance holder of the premises, the Office of Administrative Buildings of the Economic and Financial Department of the CMU Secretariat, decided in an ultimatum not to agree to the extension of the USPP office, which it has occupied for 32 years, arguing that government officials need the building. At the same time, the Cabinet of Ministers itself has announced a reduction in ministries and, accordingly, in their staffs, and the neighboring floors of the building on Khreshchatyk, with a total area of about 3,000 square meters, have not been used for years.

The ULIE seeks to resolve everything exclusively in the legal field. Therefore, court proceedings on this issue are ongoing, and the courts have not yet made a decision on this issue.

Instead, the balance holder, without waiting for a court decision, installed a metal structure worth about 400 thousand hryvnias – and this is in wartime, in conditions of unprecedented budget deficit – to simply prevent employees of the NGO from returning to their workplaces.

On the basis of the ULIE, the Anti-Crisis Headquarters for Economic Sustainability under Martial Law operates, where the problems of the wartime economy are discussed, and the meetings are attended by representatives of the parliament, government officials, business organizations, the National Academy of Sciences and others. The headquarters’ recommendations are taken into account in the decisions of the National Security and Defense Council and the Government, as well as in draft laws of the Verkhovna Rada. For example, a recent meeting of the Anti-Crisis Center was devoted to the issues of reservation and energy. Our efforts have resulted in progress in the electronic booking of specialists, and before that, in the ability to book all 100% of employees of defense companies, etc. Proposals on energy are expected to be taken into account in the NSDC decisions. The day before, Anatoliy Kinakh, President of the ULIE, held a working meeting with Oleksandr Lytvynenko, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, where the parties agreed on joint actions in this area.
The Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs is actively involved in the implementation of the President’s initiative “Made in Ukraine” and the joint Statement of the Government and business associations of Ukraine on deepening cooperation between the state and business.

Moreover, the ULIE regularly hosts meetings and working communications with international partners: a joint project with the ILO to stimulate women’s economic involvement through the development of a network of corporate children’s spaces, online conferences with related business organizations from the EU, the US, and other partner countries of Ukraine in the fight against the Russian aggressor, and meetings with ambassadors.
In Warsaw, the ULIE registered the Premier-U International Foundation, whose main goal is to restore Ukraine from the consequences of Russian aggression and attract investments from partner countries for these purposes. The supervisory board of the Foundation includes former prime ministers of Ukraine and Poland, and in the future – most EU countries.

Therefore, such unilateral actions by the balance holder (the CMU Office) threaten to disrupt important projects to restore Ukraine and call into question the state intentions of individual government officials involved in this case.

As long as the court proceedings are ongoing, it is unacceptable to impede the statutory activities of the USPP, an organization with a 32-year history, known and respected in business circles in Ukraine and the EU. This harms the European integration process, the image of the state, worsens business expectations and reduces the effectiveness of the government-entrepreneurs’ dialogue.

The unimpeded operation of the ULIE is critically important for supporting Ukrainian business and industry, especially under martial law.

We appeal to Ukrainian business associations, employers’ associations, public organizations and initiatives to support us as you have always done. We also appeal to the media to cover this incident. Your attention and support is important for ensuring transparency and justice in our country.

The war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine continues. The enemy is focusing its efforts on depleting Ukraine’s resources.
Now is the time for unity, joint work to increase the resilience and self-sufficiency of the national economy, development of Ukrainian production, and thus further strengthening of our defense capabilities.

For more details, please visit the official website of the ULIE (
The background of the issue is here.

