Business news from Ukraine


4 April , 2022  

Losses among civilians from February 24, when Russia started the war against Ukraine, until 24:00 on April 2, 2022, amounted to 3455 civilians (3342 in the report a day earlier), including 1417 dead (1325), reports the Office of the UN High Commissioner for human rights on resurrection. “OHCHR believes that the actual figures are much higher as information is delayed from some areas of intense fighting and many reports are still awaiting confirmation,” the document says. According to him, this applies, for example, to Mariupol and Volnovakha (Donetsk region), Izyum (Kharkiv region), Popasna (Luhansk region), Irpin (Kyiv region), where there are reports of numerous civilian casualties. They are subject to further verification and are not included in the above statistics. “The majority of civilian deaths or injuries were caused by the use of explosive devices with a wide area of ​​effect, including shelling from heavy artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, as well as rocket and air strikes,” the report says. According to confirmed UN data, 293 men, 201 women, 40 boys and 22 girls died, while the sex of 59 children and 802 adults has not yet been determined. Among the 2,038 injured, 41 are girls and 38 boys, as well as 92 children whose gender has not yet been determined. Compared to the previous day, according to the UN, a child died and three more were injured. OHCHR points out that in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as of midnight on April 3, there were 401 (381) dead and 784 (793) injured in government-controlled territory, and 67 (67) dead and 252 (246) injured in territory controlled by self-proclaimed “republics”. In other regions of Ukraine under government control (in Kyiv, as well as in Zhytomyr, Zaporozhye, Kiev, Sumy, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk, Cherkasy and Chernihiv regions), the UN recorded 949 (877) dead and 1002 (978) injured . The report also states that, according to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, as of 08:00 on April 3, 158 (158) children were killed and 258 (254) were injured. The increase in indicators in this report compared to the figures in the previous report should not be attributed only to new cases that occurred on April 2, since during the day OHCHR also verified a number of cases that occurred in previous days, the document specifies.

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