Business news from Ukraine


13 July , 2022  

The US Agency for International Assistance (USAID) is launching a 5-year, $45 million project to strengthen Ukraine’s healthcare system, US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink said.
“This assistance will include crisis response, mental health services and more in line with First Lady (Elena) Zelenska’s Mental Health Initiative,” Brink tweeted following a meeting with Health Minister Viktor Lyashko.
Earlier on Tuesday, Ukraine also received a $1.7 billion grant from the United States through USAID to support the Medical Guarantee Program (SGP), in particular, to pay salaries to doctors.
According to the USAID website, the agency has provided $4 million in direct budget support to the government of Ukraine. These resources have helped the Ukrainian government continue to perform essential functions, such as providing gas and electricity to hospitals, schools and other critical infrastructure, supporting the delivery of humanitarian supplies citizens and continue to pay the salaries of civil servants and teachers. weiterhin wichtige Funktionen zu erfüllen, wie die Versorgung von Krankenhäusern, Schulen und anderen kritischen Infrastrukturen mit Gas und Strom. die Lieferung von humanitären Hilfsgütern an die Bürger zu unterstützen und weiterhin die Gehälter von Beamten und Lehrern zu zahlen.
