Business news from Ukraine

USAID to provide Ukraine with 12,000 tons of fertilizers for autumn sowing season

13 July , 2023  

The US government, through the USAID AGRO Program, will provide Ukrainian agrarians with 12,000 tons of fertilizers for the autumn sowing season free of charge, the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food said.

“Before the war, Ukraine provided domestic needs for nitrogen fertilizers by 75%. However, due to the full-scale invasion, production has decreased due to logistical problems, broken production chains and rising costs of raw materials. This has limited access to fertilizer for micro, small, and medium-sized farmers. USAID will help agribusinesses ensure their farms have the fertilizer they need in the fall and continue next year,” the statement said.

Agrarians who cultivate from 5 to 500 hectares in any region of Ukraine (except for temporarily occupied territories), grow grain or oilseed crops, are registered as legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, in particular, family farms, will be able to participate in the program.

They will be able to receive 1 ton of nitroammophoska (NPK 16:16:16:16/15:15:15:15) for main and pre-sowing application.

Registration for assistance has already started in the State Agrarian Register (SAR). Applications are accepted exclusively through the GAR, under “Available Programs” – “NPK Fertilizer from USAID AGRO, 2023.” Registration will continue until the applied amount of fertilizer is exhausted.

The USAID AGRO program will hold a public webinar on July 20, 2023 on the terms and conditions and receiving assistance.

As reported, USAID launched a number of programs in 2022 to address the global food crisis, which is exacerbated by the war waged against Ukraine. In the spring of 2023, more than 8,200 Ukrainian agrarians received more than 6,300 tons of fertilizers from USAID, as well as seeds for sowing more than 48,300 hectares of sunflower and 15,000 hectares of corn.
