Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Vasyl Lozynskyy released from pre-trial detention center on bail

24 July , 2023  

Lawyers have paid 2.5m hryvnyas for the former deputy minister.

Former Deputy Minister of community development, territories and infrastructure of Ukraine Vasyl Lozinsky was released from custody on bail of UAH 2.5 million, as reported by journalist Tetyana Nikolayenko.

“Lawyers suddenly somewhere scraped for a bail of 2.5 million, and made it. And they did it just under the vacation of Judge Shkodin, who had favored Lozinsky before. That’s what automatic distribution of cases makes omnipotent. And friendship of relatives of the judge and the defendants of the case”, – she wrote.

We will remind, Lozinsky received a bribe for assistance in concluding contracts for the purchase of equipment and machinery at inflated prices. As wrote ZN.UA, we are talking about the purchase of generators. Against this background, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dismissed Lozinsky from the post of Deputy Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure.

In addition, July 21, UAH 20 million bail for former MP Maxim Mykitasy, suspected of attempting to bribe the mayor of Dnipro.

The court also allowed Mikitas to go to Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions from August 2 to 7 for family reasons.

The next hearing in the case of Mikitas is scheduled for August 4.

We will remind, in October, the judge appointed Mikitasy bail in 260 million UAH, but the appeal reduced it to 100 million UAH. Some time later, the bail was reduced to UAH 85 million, then to UAH 80 million, later to UAH 40 million and lastly to UAH 20 million.