Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Zaporozhkoks invests UAH 180 mln in overhaul of coke shop equipment

23 September , 2023  

PJSC “Zaporozhkoks”, one of Ukraine’s largest producers of coke-chemical products and a member of Metinvest Group, continues implementation of the annual program on overhaul of coke shop production facilities with the investment volume of UAH 180 million in 2023.

According to the press release, within the framework of the program of production capacities renewal Zaporizhcoke is implementing the next stage of overhaul of coke battery No. 2.

Thus, in June the re-laying of five partitions of coking chambers has been started, ceramic cladding of furnaces is being performed. The overhaul is carried out in the conditions of the existing production, which allows to maintain the planned production volumes. At coke oven complex No. 2, the extinguishing car and coke pusher are also being repaired, auxiliary sites and railroad tracks are being renovated.

At coke battery No. 5 the repair of coke expeller, installation of bag filters and air ducts was completed. Specialists of the shop together with contractors are carrying out overhaul of the coal loading machine and quenching car.

“Carrying out repair of coke batteries and auxiliary equipment of the shop is a systematic work, on which the life activity of the enterprise in wartime conditions depends. Among the set of measures ensuring constant operation of the chambers is the use of ceramic cladding of the furnaces. This technology allows to support the operation of the chambers and at the same time to perform a stronger sealing of the seams of coking chambers, to increase the thermal resistance of the entire refractory masonry”, – said the General Director of “Zaporozhkoks” Alexander Bekhter, who is quoted by the press service.

The main contractor of the repair is the plant “Zaporozhogneupor”, which with the beginning of the full-scale war expanded the line of refractories for coke batteries of “Zaporozhkoks” and mastered the process of their lining.

As reported, “Zaporozhkoks” for 8M-2023 increased production of blast furnace coke by 22% compared to the same period last year – up to 572.3 thousand tons from 466.7 thousand tons.

“Zaporozhkoks” in 2022 decreased production of blast furnace coke by 11.9% compared to 2021 – to 737.4 thousand tons, including 70.8 coke produced in December.

“Zaporozhkoks” produces about 10% of coke produced in Ukraine, owns a full technological cycle of processing of coke-chemical products. In addition, it produces coke gas and pitch coke.

“Metinvest is a vertically integrated mining group of companies. Its major shareholders are SCM Group (71.24%) and Smart Holding (23.76%), which jointly manage the company.

Metinvest Holding LLC is the management company of Metinvest Group.