Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Zaporozhogneupor” purchased an overhead crane for UAH 3 mln

16 September , 2023  

Zaporozhogneupor, Ukraine’s largest refractory products manufacturer and part of Metinvest Group, has put a modern overhead crane into operation.

According to the company’s press release, the modern lifting unit manufactured in Zaporizhzhia was put into operation at the finished goods warehouse of Zaporozhogneupor’s aluminosilicate shop. After static and dynamic tests, which confirmed the full compliance of the overhead crane with all requirements, it was put into operation.

Zaporozhogneupor spent approximately UAH 3 million to purchase the new crane. It is specified that the modern crane will significantly reduce the risk of damage to finished products.

“Zaporozhogneupor is Ukraine’s largest enterprise producing high-quality refractory products and materials. The company produces chamotte, mullite, mullite-silica, mullite-corundum, periclase, periclase-chromite products, silicon carbide electric heaters, and unmolded refractory materials. The company’s products are widely used in Ukraine, as well as in the CIS, Europe, Asia and Africa.
