Business news from Ukraine

Average salary of staff employees be regions (UAH)

Average salary of staff employees be regions (UAH)

State employment center

Ratio of the number of unemployed in different regions of Ukraine in 2021 (thush people)

Ratio of the number of unemployed in different regions of Ukraine in 2021 (thush people)

State employment center

Number of unemployed in Ukraine and job opportunities, Sep 21 – Sep 22

Number of unemployed in Ukraine and job opportunities, Sep 21 – Sep 22

State employment center


Number of refugees from Ukraine in selected countries as of 30.10.2022

Number of refugees from Ukraine in selected countries as of 30.10.2022


Dynamics of changes in population of Ukraine from 1991-2022

Dynamics of changes in population of Ukraine from 1991-2022

SSC of Ukraine


Number of dwellings in residential buildings, putting into service, by type by region in Jan-June 2022

Number of dwellings in residential buildings, putting into service, by type by region in Jan-June 2022

Data: State Statistics Service of Ukraine