Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Demand for new buses has increased in Ukraine

7 December , 2022  

Primary registrations of new buses in Ukraine in November increased by 11.7% as compared to October this year, but decreased by 25.3% as compared to November 2021, according to statistics of Ukravtoprom association.
According to the statistics published on the Association’s website, Ataman buses (made by Cherkasy Bus) have regained the leadership in this segment, with 55 vehicles registered, versus 11 in October 2022 (fourth place in the ranking) and 44 vehicles in November last year, when the brand was also in the lead.
Second place went to Citroen with 26 buses, with an increase in sales of 2 units against October of this year and 22 units – against November last year, when it was the seventh place in the rating.
The leader of the previous accounting month, buses Etalon (made by Chernihiv Autoplant) in November is finishing the top three with 19 vehicles against 40 in October 2022. Next comes Ford (8 buses) and ZAZ (6 cars). There are also two Ruta buses and one each for Jac and Temsa.
The statistics of Ukrautoprom does not include buses (including school buses), which are purchased at the expense of the state and local budgets.
“On Wednesday, Ukravtoprom also published information on imports of buses (new and used) to Ukraine in January-September this year, according to which 1021 buses were imported (by 16% less than a year before), and their total customs value amounted to $30.7 million. 86% of imports were used vehicles.
The leader in supplies of buses for nine months was Germany – 388 units, second place was occupied by Poland – 126 units, the third Turkey with 107 buses. Also in the top five largest suppliers were Belgium and Sweden, which imported 98 and 66 units of this type of transport respectively.